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new: MLK holiday Jan. 20, 2025 is inauguration day for the insurrectionist. Couldn't be more blasphemous.
The Real Anthony Fauci: book reviews
"The Real Anthony Fauci" is an excellent example of a "Gish gallop," a technique of lying where a large amount of fake claims are spewed to overwhelm an audience with an impression than the spewer is well informed. It was named in honor of Duane Gish, who was a creationist who delighted in trying to debate scientists using this tactic. Gish's followers were not interested in accuracy - they were there for the show, their guy showing up the snooty scientists who disbelieved their religious dogma. Meanwhile, the scientists got flustered by the firehose of BS from Gish. Most experts on evolution declined to share a stage with him, since mere facts were ignored by him and his followers, and giving him an equal platform provided tacit credibility to his flat Earth style nonsense. The quality of showmanship for presenting an evening of arguments and counter arguments has nothing to do with accuracy.
Brandolini's law states that "the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it." Correcting a large amount of lies in rapid succession is impossible in the context of a public debate, especially one done in front of an audience. Dr. David Gorski, MD, who has tracked Junior's hoaxes about health for two decades, states Brandolini was an optimist.
An op ed about the use of Gish gallop by Donald and Junior:
Abcarian: Why no one should debate Trump or RFK Jr.
Robin Abcarian July 19, 2023
I read about half of TRAF before deciding "enough!" and I had gotten the point -- the book was a large collection of hoaxes that have been refuted countless places, although most of the refutations have been by experts with less public notoreity.
I was given a free copy by an anti-vaxxer who had recently converted and was especially fanatical (he is now threatening, via his anti-social media feeds, scientists and doctors who helped suppress the pandemic). This individual had previously been pro-medicine, even through 2020, but got sucked into the proverbial "rabbit hole" during Peak Covid - the end of 2020 and the start of 2021, when Covid was the number one cause of death in the USA, which was diminished substantially by the rollout of vaccines around the New Year. I wonder if the short gloomy days and rainy season here in Cascadia may have contributed to his conversion since our dreary winters can contribute to depression even in the best of circumstances. The stress of coping with Covid closures and fear that oneself or loved ones might be harmed by infection made millions vulnerable to disinformation online that sought scapegoats. It's not exactly the same as the social contagions experienced in Germany in the early 1930s as their economy collapsed, but there are important lessons to consider.
A friend who has been an anti-vaxxer and medical denier for decades told me to read at least the first chapter before engaging in any discussion about it. I found a copy of the first part available for free courtesy of the Amazon.com page selling the book, and pointed out that it's just a conglomeration of all the popular lies about Covid, vaccines, fake treatments, etc. I wasn't surprised that he declined to engage in substantive discussion about the false claims in the book nor the voluminous refutations that show that lies are lies. It sometimes is reasonable to be skeptical about institutions, the medical establishment, pharmaceutical companies, but to deny expertise completely because of fears led hundreds of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily during the pandemic. And viruses don't care about anyone's opinions.
One of my favorite hoaxes in the book is about Dr. Robert Malone, who is an MD (not a naturopath or homeopath or other flavor of not-med using the word "doctor"). TRAF cites him as an authoritative expert, telling the reader that he supposedly was the inventor of mRNA vaccines. In reality, Malone was one of many scientists who were involved and his role was relatively minor and in the earliest stages of research. Junior is supposedly an expert attorney and he must know that when a witness is caught lying about their expertise and background, a judge can direct a jury to disregard their testimony. To be clear: Malone is not wrong because he exaggerates his role, he's wrong on fundamental reasons of fact, but his claim to have invented mRNA vaccines is easily shown to be bogus. Perhaps Dr. Malone is jealous that others got more attention than he has.
Decades ago, I bought a copy of "The Satanic Versus" by Salman Rushdie to express solidarity after the theocracy in Iran sentenced him to death for heresy. I never got around to reading it, and no longer own it. I've heard that to fully appreciate that book one would need to be familiar with Islamic theology and I am not.
I suspect most purchasers of TRAF haven't read much of it, and worse, are not familiar with medical topics to be able to show the tome is crap. I've encountered a number of RFK Junior supporters who have been unfamiliar with the basic arguments of the book beyond "vaccines bad, ivermectin good."
A large part of TRAF is dedicated to the lie that HIV supposedly does not cause AIDS -- even though it absolutely does -- and Junior uses this nonsense to argue that Dr. Fauci mishandled the response to AIDS. I've been both amused and saddened to hear supporters of Junior say they didn't believe me when I've said to them that he is an HIV AIDS denier ... and didn't want to hear that this is a major section of this book and his attack on Dr. Fauci (and the medical system in general). People hear what they want to hear and don't hear what is inconvenient - whether about Covid, climate chaos, limits to growth or any other major crisis plaguing civilization.
Fauci Reveals Vaccine Conversation With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Published Jul 02, 2024 at 10:03 AM EDT Updated Jul 02, 2024 at 10:41 AM EDT 00:52
By Matthew Impelli Writer
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently revealed a conversation he had with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding different vaccines.
Last week, Fauci, who previously served as a lead member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under former President Donald Trump's administration, appeared on The Axe Files with David Axelrod podcast to discuss a wide variety of issues including a meeting he had with Kennedy Jr. to discuss his views on vaccines.
Fauci recalled a meeting he had with Kennedy Jr. after he claimed that he was going to lead a commission on vaccines under Trump's administration.
"He got up and the first slide I remember he showed is that 'it has been shown that vaccinations are responsible for the following diseases' and he gave every disease in the world," Fauci said, recalling the meeting.
"Autism was right on the top of it. So I raised my hand and I said 'excuse me, Bobby, but I don't really mean to interrupt you but there isn't a bit of evidence at all of anything that's on this slide.'" "At the end of it, all we could say was 'Bobby I'm sorry, but we don't really agree with you,'" Fauci said.
Fauci also said that he went up to Kennedy Jr. following the meeting and said "Bobby, I believe you care about children and you care that you don't want to hurt them but you got to realize from a scientific standpoint, what you're saying does make no sense." "I don't know what's going on in his head but it's not good," Fauci added.
A deceptive pattern of twisting quotes
Jake Tapper Calls Out RFK Jr. Ad for Editing Anchor's Comments Out of Context: 'Should Be Taken Down at Once'
The CNN anchor slammed the ad as "misleading and deceptive," with quotes "falsely clipped together"
July 12, 2024
Russ Baker
I heard Russ Baker speak at the 2009 Coalition on Political Assassinations conference in Dallas (organized by John Judge). Nice to hear a JFK assassination researcher point out that Junior is lying in his book about Dr. Fauci. It's good that RFK Junior finally came clean in 2013 about his lifelong understanding that the CIA killed his uncle - a fact that his father, Robert F. Kennedy (the original) privately knew to be true - but that understanding doesn't make his hoaxes about public health have any validity.
I find they provide a fascinating insight into a certain and potentially evolving mindset. In the future, I will explore the broader phenomenon underlying the critical messages. I'm struck by how a particular segment of our society — including some among WhoWhatWhy's readership — lashes out at anyone who says something they don't like, but in their response they address neither the substance of the issue nor provide any useful information.
Some of these people tell me that I'm not an expert on vaccines, based on their opinions … as nonexperts themselves. Typically, they base their opinions on trust alone, since they haven't the expertise to judge the evidence itself.
And how often do they try? When they read an assertion with a numbered footnote next to it, how often do they check to see if the source referenced actually supports the assertion?
Here's an example: On page 28 of his book — The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Kindle version) — RFK Jr., makes this claim:
Dr. Fauci's acolyte — CNN's television doctor, Peter Hotez — published an article in a scientific journal calling for legislation to "expand federal hate crime protections" to make criticism of Dr. Fauci a felony. (14)
Read the article referenced by footnote 14. Hotez was not talking about mere "criticism." He was talking about how scientists were being targeted by far-right extremists (some of whom are known to favor violence) — with various forms of intimidation, including stalking scientists to their homes. And he wanted "expanded protection mechanisms," possibly extending "federal hate-crime protection" for these scientists.
Kennedy goes on to claim, in passing, that Hotez said,
vaccine skeptics should be snuffed out (15)
Here's what the man actually said — only you wouldn't know it unless you checked the article referenced by footnote 15:
An American anti vaccine movement is building and we need to take steps now to snuff it out.
Meaning snuff out the movement, not people.
Dr. Dan Wilson, Debunk the Funk
Reviewing RFK Jr.'s bad book about Fauci - Introduction
Yes, patent owners can receive royalties, but most of them go back into the federal agency: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/te...
Fauci apparently doesn't make much from royalties: https://ahrp.org/nih-scientists-caugh...
It is true that Fauci's salary is $417,000: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandr...
Sherri Tenpenny has made over a million dollars teaching her online anti-vaccine class: https://archive.is/aTzTG
Virus-denier Tom Cowan makes tens of thousands of dollars every month spreading anti-science garbage: • Exposing COVID-denying grifters
Hilarious interview with RFK Jr.: https://www.gawker.com/politics/a-ver...
Earnings from RFK Jr.'s non-profit: https://projects.propublica.org/nonpr...
Fauci doesn't make laws, he advises politicians and politicians make their own decisions: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/director https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-new...
American politicians failed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic effectively: https://www.politico.com/news/magazin... https://www.theatlantic.com/health/ar... https://www.statnews.com/2020/05/17/t...
Hairpins in PCR primers: https://www.caister.com/backlist/mbt/...
Excess deaths during the pandemic: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ex...
Children's loss of caregivers to COVID: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-...
Children hospitalized due to COVID: https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2019-nov...
Multisystem inflammatory disease in children caused by COVID: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/w...
Businesses were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, this may have been inevitable and the topic is complicated: https://cdn.advocacy.sba.gov/wp-conte... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc...
COVID vs. flu deaths: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deat... https://usafacts.org/articles/how-man...
Misinterpreted autoimmune diseases in children study: https://www.ajmc.com/view/study-highl... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc...
Explaining the increase in chronic conditions in children: https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/epd... https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/4/8/e...
We are really good at treating childhood cancer: https://www.popsci.com/we-are-astonis...
Vaccines as an explanation for increases in chronic illness doesn't check out: https://ourworldindata.org/vaccination
TWiV 1026: Debunking RFK Jr.'s vaccine funk with Dan Wilson
Jul 16, 2023
This Week in Virology
Dan Wilson returns to TWiV to debunk vaccine misinformation by RFK Jr. during his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. Show notes at www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1026/
Junior praises quack for injecting BLEACH into patients
bleach kills pathogens in vitro but it's not a good idea in vivo
(same error made by the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine enthusiasts)
RFK Jr. goes full HIV/AIDS denial in his terrible book about Anthony Fauci
Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Premiered May 31, 2022
Donate to Doctors Without Borders: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org...
Peter Deusberg is responsible for huge losses of life due to HIV/AIDS: https://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fullte...
Papers that demonstrate that HIV causes AIDS:
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/...Gallo and Montagnier's piece in the NEJM: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056...
More isolation of HIV from AIDS patients: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/s...
A protocol to isolate HIV form AIDS patients: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/a...
How to test for HIV: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-te...
Original PCR patent that describes diagnostics as an application: https://patentimages.storage.googleap...
Kaposi's sarcoma basics: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-c...
Review of the mechanism of how HIV infects and kills CD4 T-cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
HIV is definitely real…didn't think I'd have to say that while reviewing this book: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...An example of how complicated correlates of protections against HIV is: https://www.nature.com/articles/nm080...
General reading on Koch's postulates: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/...
People who are infected by HIV and don't ever develop symptoms are called Elite suppressors: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...
Beatrice Hanh's work: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
Retroviruses can definitely cause disease:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10591...No, poppers don't cause AIDS, HIV does:
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/la...Kaposi's Sarcoma is caused by a virus that is allowed to replicate thanks to HIV: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/la...
https://www.cancer.org/cancer/kaposi-...HIV/AIDS disinformation debunked: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/H...
Non-HIV AIDS is clinically distinct from HIV-AIDS: https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/...
Christine Maggiore's story: https://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-c...
Claremont Review (a conservative group)
Summer 2022
What's Up, Doc?
by Theodore Dalrymple
If there is one lesson that the pandemic ought to have taught, it is intellectual modesty. Unfortunately, this is not the main characteristic of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s The Real Anthony Fauci. Kennedy refers to his career as a tort lawyer as if this stood as a guarantor of righteousness, and accordingly wherever bad motives can be imputed to those with whom he disagrees, he imputes them. He lives in a world in which there are fighters for truth (he and those with whom he agrees) and conspirators who are in the pay either of Bill Gates or the pharmaceutical companies, or both. That there is skulduggery in the world and much that is murky which only time will reveal is true, but Kennedy's book has all the objectivity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. ....
When I looked up at random five of the medical papers Kennedy cites, I found that he had misrepresented all of them. For example, an Argentinian trial which he describes as randomized and controlled specifically says in its text that it was unrandomized. In another instance, he claims "[t]he UK government's latest Office for National Statistics report on mortality rates by COVID vaccination status shows that for age-adjusted mortality rate, the death rate by October was higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated." This is misleading. There are only numbers, no rates: Kennedy evidently believes in numerators without denominators. Furthermore, the age-adjustment to which he refers was not exactly fine-honed: it divided the population into those under 50 and those over 50. This is important, given the age distribution of risk of death. And Kennedy omits the following from the paper:
Two doses of vaccine remain highly effective, with 60-80 per cent effectiveness against infection, 90-99 per cent effectiveness against hospitalization, 90-95 per cent against mortality, and 65-99 per cent against symptomatic disease.
In another case, he cites a trial that he claims showed a "dramatic" effect of the drug ivermectin. Again, it showed no such thing; one would have to be a hysteric to call the effect dramatic. What's more, the trial was of 12 patients in each arm, so it was practically useless from a statistical point of view, even had the results been less trifling and more dramatic than they were.
He contradicts himself. He spends pages denying that HIV causes AIDS, and then says that he believes that it does. He calls America's media "bought, brain-dead and scientifically illiterate," and then frequently quotes from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, as well as from television channels. He is no great scientific thinker himself. He assumes that Koch's postulates (formulated to determine whether a particular microbe causes a disease) are still universally upheld in their original form, which they are not; and very early in the book he gives what he calls "Anthony Fauci's report card," which consists of raw death rates per million from COVID-19 of 19 countries, with the United States the worst and Tanzania the best (Dr. Fauci being responsible for the former). He shows no awareness that these figures require some qualification, in fact so many qualifications that they are useless as presented, and evidence only of his own scientific illiteracy or his extreme parti pris. [preconceived view]
[note: the President of Tanzania in 2020 was a Covid denier and died from the disease, so it is unlikely that any disease counts from that country are accurate. As of July 2023, the official death toll is 846 whereas the "excess death" counts examined by the Economist magazine suggest the real toll could be as high as 210,000.]
He asserts things that are simply not true. For example, he says that Ukraine's low death rate from COVID is attributable to the availability there of hydroxychloroquine. In fact, Ukraine has a high death rate from COVID.
Kennedy makes wild claims for the efficacy of two drugs, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, further alleging that they have not been used because of the Judeo-Masonic—sorry, the Pharmaco-Fauci-Bill-Gates—conspiracy. He several times calls them miracle drugs, which should alert us to the fact that we have entered the realm of religious belief rather than that of normal therapeutics. He calls Professor Didier Raoult's studies on hydroxychloroquine "powerful" when, again, they were nothing of the kind, but—from the scientific point of view—useless. He makes much of the fraud practiced on or by the Lancet with regard to hydroxychloroquine, but nothing of the frauds perpetrated on the other side. He makes much of the need for disinterested Cochrane reviews but fails to mention the Cochrane review of ivermectin which came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of its efficacy (but also none of harmfulness). In short, what he writes reads as the pleading of a tort lawyer—which, of course, is what Mr. Kennedy is.
.... This book, however, will be of very little use to future historians, except as an example of the strain of extreme paranoia that is an ineradicable, but not admirable, part of human nature in response to crisis.
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February 13, 2025